Saturday, September 17, 2011


This summer was fun. I did a lot of things over the past 3 months. During my first month of summer I hang out with my friends, played basketball, and went to the beach. A week later I started summer school. I wasn't really excited about summer school until I saw one of my friends that I haven't seen in a year. The only thing good about summer school is seeing your friends. Everyday after school I hang out with my friends at quickly. While I was at quickly I saw a friend that I haven’t seen in 3 years. During the week me and my friends went to watch super 8. The day after that we went to Chinatown. Everyday during summer school we read a lot. The week after we went to japantown. It was my first time going there. Me and my friends played badminton almost every week. My friends and I went ice skating for my birthday.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

               Hi my name is Daniel Dalipe. I am 16 years old. I like to do physical activities. My favorite hobbies are martial arts, hanging out with friends, videogames, and guitar. I like martial arts because it teaches you self defense. I do kung fu and judo. In kung fu I learn how to punch, kick and block. I only did kung fu for three months because I was at my dad’s house in Los Angeles for the summer. I didn’t stay long enough for me to move on to the next ranks.  I did kung fu at Z Ultimate. If I stayed long enough I could have been a 4th rank right now. Maybe next summer I’ll go to LA and visit my old kung fu class. This year I’m doing judo. In judo you learn how to throw and take a fall. I started judo at the beginning of the school year. I did judo because I want to learn how to defend myself more. It also helps build muscle. I like to play guitar. I’ve been playing guitar since 8th grade. I did it because I like music. I like hang out with friends.
              I like to do sports. My favorite sports are badminton, basketball and tennis. I learned how to play badminton about 4 months ago. I am planning to try out for the team this year.  Badminton is a fun sport. I go to EBA (Eastbay Badminton Association) every week to practice for the team. Hopefully I could make team captain by senior year. My other favorite sport is tennis. I’ve been playing tennis for the past 4 summers. I learn how to play tennis from my dad. Tennis is almost like badminton except that you hit a tennis ball instead of a birdie and the racquets are a bit heavier. Another sport I like to play is basketball. I have been playing basketball since I was 10. I play basketball anytime my friends want to play.
              There are a few adventures I want to have. One of my adventures is to go to Korea to meet Kpop singers. My other adventure is to go to Japan to see anime creators. I want to go to a famine convention. Another adventure I want is to go visit my girlfriend at her school. I want to go see the Grand Canyon. I want to see the great wall of China.
              My writing goals for the year are to improve my writing. I need to write a lot in a certain amount of time. Anytime I do an essay I need to start ahead of time. I should always make sure my essays make sense. I need to add more detail to what I’m writing about.