Saturday, September 17, 2011


This summer was fun. I did a lot of things over the past 3 months. During my first month of summer I hang out with my friends, played basketball, and went to the beach. A week later I started summer school. I wasn't really excited about summer school until I saw one of my friends that I haven't seen in a year. The only thing good about summer school is seeing your friends. Everyday after school I hang out with my friends at quickly. While I was at quickly I saw a friend that I haven’t seen in 3 years. During the week me and my friends went to watch super 8. The day after that we went to Chinatown. Everyday during summer school we read a lot. The week after we went to japantown. It was my first time going there. Me and my friends played badminton almost every week. My friends and I went ice skating for my birthday.

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