Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dark Basement

Bob and three of his friends went to his to play video games at night. They were making a lot of noise. They put the volume so high that everyone in the house could hear it. They were playing Call of Duty Black Ops. A few hours later the power went off. Bob thought it was just them until he checked outside. It turns out the whole neighborhood had a blackout. They were a complaining about the blackout. His mom told him that they have a back up generator in the basement. So the boys went to the basement to get the generator.
When Bob opened the basement door he couldn’t really see anything. He turned on his flash light and started going into the basement. While walking down the stairs one of the steps broke. His friend freaked out. When they got down there they waved their flashlights to see where the generator is. The basement was so big that it looks like it goes on for miles. Bob and his friends divide into groups to find the generator. One group went one way and one went the other. When they were down there they smell a lot of dust. One of them felt something wet. When he flashed the light at the object it was a bottle of paint that spilled over. For a second he thought it was blood. The other group found a box of candy. They started eating it. When they took a bite it tasted stale.

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