Monday, October 24, 2011

ce: conflict in Mindanao

In Mindanao the Muslims for self-rule.  Self-rule means to take charge of themselves.  Recently some Philippine troops have been fighting the Muslims.  On Tuesday 18 Muslims were killed and 10 soldiers were missing.  The Muslims are called the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.  Over the years they thought that more than 120,000 people were killed in this conflict.  I think the Philippines should keep Mindanao because it is part of their territory.  The Philippines should make a treaty with the Muslims to end the conflict.  They should have the Muslims live there as long as they don’t cause any threat.  The Muslims need to follow the Philippines laws.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


  School  is awesome. It may seem boring at first but after awhile it could be fun. There are classes that are boring. There are classes that are fun. My favorite classes are judo and history. I like judo because you learn how to defend yourself. I like history because I get to learn about other cultures and about what happened in the past. Some classes are hard but it could be easy if you put your mind to it. Some people say that school is a waste of time but its not. School is really helpful. School helps you get a great job that pays a lot. School sometimes makes things not sound boring. Sometime during the summer students can't wait to go back to school. There fun stuff that you can do in school.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


   Badminton is fun. It is one of my favorite sports. I've been playing badminton for half a year already. During the summer me and my friends go to EBA (Eastbay Badminton Association) to practice for badminton season. The first time i went to EBA to practice I keep hitting the birdie too high. My fiends thought me how to hit straight over the net. After my first practice my whole body was hurting. Its like i could barely move. A day later the pain went away. The second time I went to EBA I got the hang of it. Me and my friends did a doubles match. I keep hitting it straight forward because I was using my whole arm instead of using my wrist. After a few rally's I got the hang of it. Badminton is a sport that could only be played indoors. When playing badminton do not use too much power unless your going to smash. The one thing I need to learn is how to block a smash. If you want to be a good badminton player do not use a heavy racket.feel Good rackets cost about 100 and up. Changed the grip on your racket every time the grip worn out.Always the string every few months. There two kinds of birdies u can use, one is feathered and the other is plastic. The more you practice the more you will become better at it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dark Basement

Bob and three of his friends went to his to play video games at night. They were making a lot of noise. They put the volume so high that everyone in the house could hear it. They were playing Call of Duty Black Ops. A few hours later the power went off. Bob thought it was just them until he checked outside. It turns out the whole neighborhood had a blackout. They were a complaining about the blackout. His mom told him that they have a back up generator in the basement. So the boys went to the basement to get the generator.
When Bob opened the basement door he couldn’t really see anything. He turned on his flash light and started going into the basement. While walking down the stairs one of the steps broke. His friend freaked out. When they got down there they waved their flashlights to see where the generator is. The basement was so big that it looks like it goes on for miles. Bob and his friends divide into groups to find the generator. One group went one way and one went the other. When they were down there they smell a lot of dust. One of them felt something wet. When he flashed the light at the object it was a bottle of paint that spilled over. For a second he thought it was blood. The other group found a box of candy. They started eating it. When they took a bite it tasted stale.